Did you know that parasites and pathogens lurk in tap water and pool water?
It is known that there are chlorine-resistant parasites in tap water, swimming pools, hot spring facilities, etc., which are disinfected with chlorine. The name of the parasite is Cryptosporidium.
The U.S. CDC reports that over a 15-year period from 2000-2014, a total of 493 outbreak infections caused by chlorinated or treated water have been reported, with at least 20,000 cases due to outbreak infections. Of the cases where the source of infection was identified, 58% of the outbreaks were caused by Cryptosporidium.
現在、厚生労働省において ”水道水中のクリプトスポリジウム等対策の実施について” 通知が出ています。
In Japan, outbreaks of Cryptosporidium infection occurred in 1996 and 2002. Currently, the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare (MHLW) has issued a notice on "Implementation of measures to prevent Cryptosporidium in tap water. As preventive measures, "ultraviolet irradiation and filtration" are proposed.
Since this system heats and sterilizes the water itself, we believe it is capable of sterilizing parasites and pathogens. Since this system was developed for the purpose of sterilizing blood, which is an infectious waste, the sterilization level is equivalent to that of medical devices. Since the system does not use chlorine or other chemicals, we believe it has almost no impact on the environment.
特に、共同浴場に使用されている湯は、レジオネラ菌・大腸菌などを殺菌するため 様々な安全対策を行っています。
In particular, hot water used in public bathhouses is subjected to various safety measures to sterilize legionella, E. coli, and other bacteria.
By applying this system, it is possible to sterilize in a high-temperature state without using chemicals or ozone, thus contributing to savings in utility costs.
今回 研究開発した装置は、血液などの液体をそのまま流しながら加熱殺菌させる装置です。何十リットルも貯めてから大がかりな装置で処理するのではなく、出た液体を即 加熱殺菌させるため、装置自体も小型ですみます。また、化学薬品も不要で、環境に負荷が少なくなります。
The device we have researched and developed this time is a device for heat sterilization of liquids such as blood, etc., while allowing them to flow through it. Instead of storing dozens of liters of liquid and then processing it in a large device, the device itself is compact because it immediately heats and sterilizes the liquid as it comes out. Also, no chemicals are required, which reduces the burden on the environment.
《 試 作 仕 様 》
(200ℓの感染生排液を 約2時間30分で処理します。)
⇒停止 までを全て自動で行います。
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